Salt water Pools

There are pool technologies that reduce the amount of maintenance needed from the homeowner. Salt water pool systems consist of using salt treated water to cut down on the amount of harsh chemicals needed and the interval of cleanings. Salt water pool systems are becoming more popular but they are typically more expensive than their standard counterparts.

It all depends on how much you are willing to spend vs. the amount of work you wish to perform. Pool maintenance is vital to having a healthy pool, daily collection of debris and brushing of sides will keep your pool attractive and in correct chemical composition. When you cover your pool for the fall/winter season, it is easier to bring it back the next spring if proper maintenance measures were taken the year before.

Weekly service is so important to the overall health and longevity of your pool. A professional Corona pool service can help when figuring out what chemicals your pool needs, and how often. We can help determine the best type of cholrine, pH increase or decrease and even which shock to use. Maintaining equipment on a weekly basis is a critical factor in extending the life of your pool, and eliminating costly repairs. Contact us if you need a hand with pool service and repair.

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